As we begin this msot sacred week of the year we begin today – Palm Sunday – by journeying with Jesus into Jerusalem and reading the account of his Passion…
As I reflect on the readings today I am asking the question…
How did the Lord serve us?
In the second reading today we hear: Jesus “emptied himself, taking the form of a servant” (Phil 2:7). Let us allow these words to lead us into these days of Holy Week when the Gospels present Jesus as the one who serves us – we might ask HOW, how does Jesus serve me? Jesus serves us by giving his life for us through his betrayal and his abandonment. Look again at today’s Gospel – we see Jesus sold for thirty pieces of silver by someone who he had chosen as a friend and disciple. Then we see him abandoned on the cross – taking on the most humiliating punishment and suffering as the nails pierce his hands and his feet, as the thorns of his crown press into his skull and as the lance pierces his side. Who else but Jesus would accept all of this pain for us?
In this way he serves us, and in his serving he saves us – he takes on all our sins and forgives us, just as he forgave those who sent him to trial, who carried out the crucifixion, who scourged him and beat him and the ones who stood by watching. All of these people are forgiven, out of God’s amazing love for each one of us – this is how Jesus serves us. It calls us to ask ourselves: ‘How am I a servant to others, a servant of the Gospel?’ The true heroes of today are not the rich and famous, but the ones who give of themselves in the service of the others and the service of the Gospel – are you one of them?