The sea and us

How can we revitalize our thoughts and actions and take a collective response for our seas and oceans, as our common heritage?

In today’s world, much of our collective approach to the seas is concentrated on the material aspects – how to get more fish, more oil, more gas and more minerals.  We build bigger ports for ferries and container vessels and use our seas as a  convenient  place to dump our waste.

The call for a more holistic approach is urgent. We need to ask ourselves what the seas give us. Do we listen to Pope Francis, who speaks so eloquently about our care for our common home? Do we listen to St. Francis’ plea to view the seas as “mother and provider”? (Canticle of the Creatures)

Let us reflect on Jesus’ relationship with the sea.

The Sea of Galilee was central to Jesus’ mission. He very often sailed across this fresh water sea and visited its shoreline. Much of His preaching and healing ministry took place in its environs. When He was tired and needed some peace and quiet, He headed towards the sea. You could say that He preferred to be at sea on a boat rather than on land.

Jesus put great emphasis on the relational dimensions which the sea offered;  the towns and villages that developed on its banks; the close friendships it nurtured; the healing properties it offered, the livelihood it provided for so many, including His close friends.

Query for Contemplation

  • How can we follow the example of Jesus today?
  • Do we realise that without our seas, there can be no life on our planet?
  • As we bathe our weary feet in the soothing ripples of the sea, do we have a feeling of being one with nature?
  • How significant is it for us that Jesus knew well the ecology and rich resources of the sea and that He started His mission by the Sea  of  Galilee – His second home?

                                                                                         B. O ‘S

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