Much of the news we hear nowadays is far from good to put it mildly. The constant stream of negativity is overwhelming; we are tempted to turn off our devices and no longer read the daily papers.
In the midst of all of this comes the severe weather that visited us recently. As so often happens in a time of crisis, a hidden gem came to life. I call it “meitheal”.
Traditionally, “meitheal” is a deep-rooted blessing in Irish culture. At its core is community, co-operation, kindness and caring for one another; it emphasises the value of collaboration and mutual support. It was a life-line for our ancestors as they tended their farms and harvested their crops.
The concept is all around us today but was particularly evident as we navigated the severe weather snap:
Neighbours helped to visit old people, bringing them food and supplies; farmers mobilised a fleet of tractors to bring participants from remote parts of the country to the Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition; E.S.B. professionals worked around the clock to restore power; hospital staff and charity workers braved the elements to turn up for work and gave tirelessly of themselves…the list is endless…
People all over the country revealed their caring side, self-interest was put aside and peoples’ generosity and commitment was nothing short of inspirational.
The spirit of the “meitheal” is alive and well – we saw its transformative results.
Let us nurture that spirit and never allow it to slumber!
Mar a deirtear as Gaeilge –
Ar scath a cheile a mhaireann na daoine.
B. O‘S