Justice, Peace and Care for Creation
In 1990 the Justice and Peace Commission was established in Ireland with a brief that asked the members to find ways of raising awareness, within our congregation, of the needs of the materially poor and ways of responding to those needs.
In recent years care of the earth and integrity of all creation have also been important elements in our work.
Over the years we have developed resources, newsletters, prayer services and we have offered day seminars on selected topics.
The Province of Ireland Wales as members of the Roman Union of Ursulines we take to heart the 2019 Chapter call to care for the earth as our common home following the letter “Laudato si” written by Pope Francis to all people of the world in 2015. By nurturing ecological consciousness we are committed to embracing a theology and spirituality of integral ecology.
We continue to discuss and reflect on this theme in our communities and as a Province and are now looking towards being part of the Laudato si platform to inspire and encourage our actions locally to care for our earth.
Ursuline Justice and Peace Prayer
In the spirit of Angela we long for peace and harmony in all things.
May our awareness of injustice and inequality grow.
May we be ready to take small steps in action
for justice,
for fairness,
for right relations,
and for care of our earth,
giving glory to the Source of all being.