Emotional Intelligence

Isn’t it true that we tend to equate intelligence solely with brain-power, as a gate-way to achieving the highest grades and qualifications, leading to the best jobs and ultimate success – a very cerebral approach indeed and missing an essential component of intelligence – emotional intelligence.

What is emotional intelligence? Well, I believe it is the ability to manage our own emotions and to understand the emotions of the people around us. If that is so, its key elements are self-awareness, self-regulation and social skills.

Let us look at self-awareness: If I am self-aware, I learn to see everything and everyone in a deeply respectful light and relate accordingly. This relating gives me access to hearts and as a result I can listen deeply and empathise. Loving words and acts of kindness flow and as a result, I am deeply happy. That is the kind of relating Jesus puts before us in The Beatitudes.

These times, as I continue to challenge myself to deepen this kind of intelligence, I stop trying to control life, let go of criticism, gossip, judging and making assumptions.  This brings great freedom and growth and an appreciation and gratitude for God’s countless blessings.

So, in The Beatitudes, Jesus gives us the key to emotional intelligence.

Why not join me in reflecting on the Eight Ideals Jesus puts before us in Matthew: 5:1-12?

Head and Heart

“Head said: “I contain the law,”

Heart said: “I am full of feeling.”

Head said: “I am logic. I am structure.

I am the stake which supports the young plant.”

Heart said: “I am love. I am mystery.

I am the creative force of life.”

Head and heart grew anxious.

“But we are so different.

How can we find peace?”

God said: “draw close and become lovers.

Respect each other. Nurture each other.

Help each other to become equal.

You will come together as one

and when you are one,

a truly amazing thing will happen.”

Head and heart sat up at that.

“What kind of thing?” they asked.

But God only smiled

and said: “Wait and see”.”

                                  Joy Cowley

                                            B. O‘S

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