Ennui – The Pain and The Challenge!

Life gifts each one of us with a plethora of rich opportunities and experiences. Yet, we all know that there are times when we find ourselves broken and fatigued, with no energy to move beyond the dullness of the daily routine – an exit from this situation is like a distant dream….

We may well be aware of the causes of this ennui. However, the challenge is to wait patiently for a glimmer of light to reappear and for renewed verve and vitality to gift us again.

A poem I came across recently by Nikita Gill spoke to my heart:

The Ocean in You

Every time you think you are broken, know this:

No one can break an ocean. All you are doing is breaking through

the glass that is holding you imprisoned,

diving deeper into your own depths,

discovering yourself in the pockets of the most sombre waves,

rebuilding your heart with coral, with seaweed, with moon-coloured sand.

So stop trying to hold yourself back

inside the glass; it was never meant to hold you.

Instead, break it, shatter it into a thousand pieces,

and become who you are meant to be,

an ocean proud and whole.

As I reflected, I heard a gentle whisper of the music of life again……..transient though it was………Then, I heard a person of soul speak to me from a compassionate heart……….what a blessing!

Then, came the words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28 – 30

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give  you rest…….. for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I know that healing and peace will be restored ……sometime……

Jesus is not immediately at our beck and call. I know He addresses all our concerns in His own time, not necessarily in the time we want. But I also know that He never dismisses outrightly those who reach out to Him.  However, He expects us to take action too! Meanwhile, the waiting goes on for healing and peace to be restored………

For When They Cannot Love You for Who You Are (Nikita Gill)

Be careful of the people who demand

you must stop burning brightly for them to stay.

They can only love you,

once the flames have become embers.

That your wildfire ambition is too much of a burden.

Remember that the ashes make your bones fertile

for what you want to grow.

You are not the problem here.

Fire is still glorious, orange flames dancing.

When I was a child, I was drawn  to the burning of all things.

Like a moth, I was drawn to endings more than beginnings.

It took someone loving the flames in me to understand

that even hardened and ash, I  am still worthy of love.

You too are still worthy.  Especially while you burn like a comet through the sky.

B. O ‘S

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