It is only a short time since we celebrated the wonderful Easter ceremonies. But isn’t it easy to go back to where we always have been – immersed in the daily grind and in the media’s constant reminders of wars, genocide, atrocities and disasters everywhere?
But whatever the atrocities all around us, something has changed and stones have been rolled away. Huge obstacles may remain, but our ever-deepening faith assures us that these too can be overcome; the Easer Gospel reminds us of this, even though it will involve a painful journey.
So the resurrection calls us to radical change – and once changed calls us to share that transformative joy everywhere we go
Some once said that we must go out and spread the Easter message because:
“There is nothing more needed by humanity today than the recovery of a sense of “beyondness“ – that dimension of life and love that assures us that God is in control.
May we feel the energy of Easter every single day and especially today!
B. O ‘ S