These days, I’m trying hard to embrace the paradoxes of life. I don’t have to tell you that my life has many contradictions – such as being at home while feeling homeless, being a believer while having many doubts, appearing confident while feeling a complete failure – to mention but a few…
These contradictions can frustrate, irritate and even discourage me. They make me feel I’m never fully present. Every door that opens for me makes me feel how many doors are closed.
But the truth is that there is another response. These same contradictions can bring me in touch with a deeper longing for the fulfilment of a desire that lives beneath all desires and that only God can satisfy.
Contradictions understood in this way are a blessing. I’m trying to use them to create that positive friction that is the key to a rich and beautiful life.
I’ve been asking myself if I can see them as challenges to an inner response by which growth takes place and through which I come to the fullness of life; that is my heart’s desire.
What about you?
B. O ‘S